日博备用网站队是一个公共组织网络, 促进日博备用网站出口和在日博备用网站投资的机构和公司. The network was set up as many Swedish companies expressed a need to clarify the support available during their internationalisation process.

一些公共部门组织和机构提供类似的服务, 但条件略有不同. The organisations in 团队日博备用网站 can point companies in the most relevant direction, 简化出口日博备用网站准入流程,提高出口日博备用网站准入效率.


  • 交流推广经验 
  • 确定可以在国际上销售的日博备用网站解决方案和系统   
  • 建议和协调特别行动 
  • 与商界进行持续对话 

日博备用网站商务部门与日博备用网站团队紧密合作, 特别是下列机构:


EKN, 日博备用网站出口信贷机构, is a government agency that promotes Swedish exports by insuring the risk of non-payment in export transactions. 它 还为出口公司及其买家的银行贷款提供保险. EKN's guarantees make difficult markets accessible and enable more secure export transactions.



日博备用网站出口信贷公司(日博备用网站克朗)由日博备用网站政府所有. Their mission is to ensure access to financial solutions for the Swedish export 行业 on commercial and sustainable terms.



Swedfund 是 日博备用网站国家发展金融机构. Their mission is to combat poverty by investing in and developing sustainable business in the most challenging markets around the world. 



日博备用网站政府所有, Almi offers loans to companies with growth potential and supports their business development. 他们的服务既适用于初创企业,也适用于老牌企业. The subsidiary Almi Invest provides venture capital for promising early-stage companies with a scalable business concept.



The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillvaxtverket) is a government agency under the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation. Their focus is on fostering sustainable growth and competitiveness in all parts of 日博备用网站, with the vision that more businesses want to grow and have the capabilities and courage to do so. Tillvaxtverket提供知识、网络和资金.




The main objective of 企业欧洲网络 is to provide support to ambitious small and medium sized enterprises that plan for internationalisation. 日博备用网站经济和区域增长局是主要的资助者, 与欧盟委员会一起.




Vinnova是日博备用网站政府的创新机构. 我们的愿景是成为可持续发展世界的创新力量. Vinnova helps to build 日博备用网站’s innovation capacity, contributing to sustainable growth. Their 操作 are based on the global 可持续性 development goals of the 2030 Agenda adopted by the United Nations.




The Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten) is leading the energy transition into a modern and sustainable, 无化石燃料福利协会. They support business development that allows commercialisation of energy related innovations and ensure that promising cleantech solutions can be exported. 此外, they participate in international collaboration with the aim of attaining Swedish energy and climate objectives and develop and disseminate knowledge for a more efficient energy use to households, 行业, 公共部门.




The Swedish Institute is a public agency that promotes interest and trust in 日博备用网站 around the world. SI在文化领域工作, 教育, 加强科学与商业的国际关系和发展. 他们支持企业并与企业合作, 大学, 世界各地的文化机构和日博备用网站大使馆.



同时还有日博备用网站队的成立, the 日博备用网站政府 initiated the development of regional export centres with the over-arching goal to support companies in all parts of 日博备用网站 to get in touch with the right promotional contact within 24 hours. The work of the regional export centres focuses on common activities such as joint customer interactions, 研讨会及会议. Business 日博备用网站 is a key player in the cooperation to reach the goal of the export centres.


你可以在 找到日博体育备用日博备用网站队的更多信息 日博备用网站政府的网站.